LightShafts 2 feature trailer:
LightShafts 2 setup/new interface tutorial:
Old (depricated) LightShafts 1 tutorials:
Explanation interface and basic setup:
Saving/loading LightShaft preferences (version 2.4 or higher):
Custom cast mesh guidelines:
-The mesh should face the Z axis (the system will scale in that direction).
-The mesh its orient point should not be centered to the mesh, but placed at what would be its “top”.(see yellow circle).
-The mesh orient point should be place in world space center. (as shown in the image)
-Size should not be bigger than maximum 1 unit (meter).
-Export as FBX, do not include materials (not needed) and set the Units to METERS.
Set custom mesh (to be casted):
Drag the new mesh into the REQUIRED slot and replace the default set LightShaftPlane.